How to have a nurturing September

Seasonal living and nurturing in September

"Summer passes and one remembers one's exuberance.

Autumn passes and one remembers one's reverence."

― Yoko Ono

September is the month where you notice summer coming to an end and the transition into the cool crispness of autumn begins. It’s a really great opportunity to bring some mindfulness to how you want to begin the new season.

In the past I’ve just charged through these transitions, and my body paid the price. I used to get the worst migraines like clockwork, each time fall rolled around. But since I’ve intentionally followed the flow of the season my fall migraine has been unremarkable, if it happens at all!

There are plenty of ways to intentionally nurture those fall feelings without buying a thing. Here are my three favorite (and free!) ways to start the transition:

natural light

Natural light is your friend

Now that the days are getting shorter, it’s a good idea to help your body adjust. Go outside first thing in the morning and at sunset to help your body adapt to the changing light balance.

Limit the influence of the light of your screens on your biology. Leave your phone at home on occasion and use this time to notice the energy of the outside world transitioning. Set a bedtime for your devices this month. Make sure you choose a time you can stick to for the entire season.

Check out this post on a healthy autumn daily routine.

forest bathing in autumn

Get grounded in nature

My favorite time to hike here in Northern California is in autumn because the temperature is perfect. But wherever you are, don’t fret too much about the cold weather keeping you housebound.

Set up your warmer hiking gear this month for cooler inspiration walks through winter: boots, layers, waterproof clothing, handkerchiefs, and thick socks are all great. 

Ground yourself in nature or at the closest park while it’s still warm enough to be barefoot. Take off your shoes and connect to the earth. Feel it’s energy flowing through you, helping your body harmonize with nature.

Wrap up projects

A transitional season like spring, fall is prime time to begin decluttering from all your summer work. Clear away and wrap up projects. Clean out and organize your workspace.

 Tip: Use any remaining pages of old notebooks to begin a morning journaling habit.

Set aside 10 minutes, a few days a week, to catalog photos, work, writing, and other odds and ends from the summer while you still remember what’s what.

Journal prompt:

What projects can I let go of right now to increase balance and harmony?


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Seasonal livingTina Vaughn